In 2014, the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) organised the first iteration of the annual Urban Policy Dialogues, as India’s flagship urban policies were being formulated. The 2015 Urban Policy Dialogues deliberated upon the challenges and innovations with the theme ‘From Policy to Implementation’.
With the launch of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in September 2015, the Urban Policy Dialogues 2016 will bring together policy makers, practitioners, academics, researchers, and representatives of civil society, to deliberate on the Sustainable Development Goals and Urban India.
The Urban Policy Dialogues 2016 focusses on six themes: Housing, Water and Sanitation, Energy, Land, Climate Change, and Risk and Resilience. The above thematic Groups shall deliberate on India’s current development policies and the SDG targets, and explore implementing and monitoring frameworks and processes.
In 2014, the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) organised the first iteration of the annual Urban Public Dialogues, as India’s flagship urban policies were being formulated. The 2015 Urban Policy Dialogues deliberated upon the challenges and innovations with the theme “From Policy to Implementation”.
With the launch of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in September 2015, the Urban Policy Dialogues 2016 will bring together policy makers, practitioners, academics, researchers, and representatives of civil society, to deliberate on the Sustainable Development Goals and Urban India.
The Urban Policy Dialogues 2016 focusses on six themes: Housing, Water and Sanitation, Energy, Land, Climate Change, and Risk and Resilience. The above thematic Groups shall deliberate on India’s current development policies and the SDG targets, and explore implementing and monitoring frameworks and processes.
There will be two moderated panel discussions where invited speakers will discuss the SDGs in the context of urban India. The first panel discussion “SDG targets and Urban Policies in India” will focus on water and sanitation, land and housing sectors, while the second panel discussion “SDGs and Urban India: Accelerating and sustaining progress” will dwell upon the themes of energy, education, climate change, risk and resilience, and financing for the SDGs.
The Sector Sessions will discuss two cluster of key questions around the SDGs and Urban India:
- How is India going to achieve these SDG Goals and meet India’s policy commitments?
- What are the monitoring frameworks (including institutional mechanisms and community processes) to track progress, and strengthen implementation?
These sessions shall help explore the challenges faced in interpreting, implementing and tracking the SDGs in India’s policy context and ground realities. Measurement of progress is intended not only to collect information for improving implementation, but also to strengthen the broader institutional and community processes that will help India accelerate her achievements with equity, accountability, and sustainability.
Based on the Presentations and Group Discussions in the Sector Sessions on Day 1, each group will present their reflections and recommendations to the Plenary on Day 2.
These sector sessions will be as follows:
- Climate Change
- Risk and Resilience
- Water and Sanitation
- Land
- Housing
- Energy